At one interview session, you are asked to discuss a time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma, whether personally or professionally. And if you can’t think of a personal ethical dilemma, you’ve been asked if you can you imagine one that might arise in the particular industry that you have chosen.

Briefly describe the circumstances of the ethical dilemma you faced, or that you envision, and explain the dilemma. What is the ethical issue in question? Are there multiple ethical issues at play? Is there a legal issue implicated as well, as far as you know? (Make sure to understand the difference between an ethical issue and an ethical dilemma, as noted in our materials.)

How did you handle the ethical dilemma and why? Do you wish you had handled it differently and if so, what would you have done differently? If you are envisioning a hypothetical dilemma, how would you handle that hypothetical dilemma and why?