1) Donald Trump first strangely stated that scientists should look into injecting disinfectant into a patient’s lungs, OR using light/heat to get rid of covid-19 —national reception to these not so scientifically rooted statements have ranged anywhere between ridicule, disbelief and general upset. In response Donald Trump said that he was just being sarcastic when he implied that the injection of Clorox into the lungs was a possible treatment —-which one of these defense coping mechanisms did Trump attempt to use to shield his “reputation” whilst attempting to do some national damage control. Choose one and explain your choice.

2) On a MACRO NATIONAL level – give me one example of how self-realization/actualization is occurring with this pandemic. How do you think the example you listed will shape our national collective consciousness?

3) List one example of how the “self” has impacted American identity – from the perspective of pragmatism.

4) How might the concept of “deindividuation” impact self-awareness —list one example.

5) Archer argues that actors experience ”morphogenesis” which literally means shape shifting in THREE WAYS (found on ppt slide 18). From Archer’s INTRA-ACTIONAL perspective – please give me an example of how these three play out in everyday life.