1. Based on the MyPlate website, how many Calories was your target?
  2. How well did you meet your target? Were you over or under? How did the individual days compare with the average?
  3. What is your average total grams of carbohydrates consumed?
  4. What percentage of your total calories came from carbohydrates?
  5. The recommended level of calories from carbohydrates from carbohydrates is between 45-65%. Do you need to make any dietary adjustments to better meet the recommendation?
  6. How much sugar were consuming per day. Were any of the foods surprising to you. How can you reduce your consumption of sugar to be in line with recommendations.
  7. On the average, how many grams of dietary fiber do you consume each day?
  8. List the foods you consumed with the most dietary fiber per serving.
  9. If you did not meet the recommended minimum of 25 grams, what three foods in what amounts would you be willing to eat regularly that contain 3 or more grams of fiber per serving? What foods would you have to add to your daily diet in what amounts to obtain 25g of fiber in your daily diet.
  10. How many grams of protein did you consume?
  11. Calculate your suggested amount of grams for protein.
  12. If you are consuming more or less of the recommended level, how could you alter your diet to meet it more closely?
  13. List three protein rich foods that you consumed from animals and three protein rich foods from plants.
  14. How many grams of fat did you consume?
  15. What percentage of your calories came from fat?
  16. If it is higher than the recommended 30%, do you feel that you should reduce your percentage of calories from fat? Why or why not? If yes, what changes would you make to decrease it?
  17. Are you getting 5-9 servings of vegetables a day? If not, what changes can you make in your diet to achieve this intake? Give specific foods and amounts that you can add to your diet.
  18. How much sodium did you consume per day. If you were over, what foods should you avoid in the future to bring your consumption down.
  19. Write a reflection about what you learned from this project of at least three pages. Include how you will use the information to change what or how you eat to meet various levels.