Answer these questions in three sentences and page numbers from the book Maus
At the end of Ch 5 and the beginning of Ch 6, we get more context for Vladek’s and Mala’s relationship. Which character do you have more sympathy for based on the evidence so far?
Why does Art worry that he is reinforcing a racist stereotype? In what ways is the stereotype accurate as it applies to Vladek, and how does his story explain his personality?
Discuss the many ways Vladek and Anja hide or attempt to hide in Ch 6. Who helps them and why? What does this reveal about the tensions between the Poles and the Jews?
Provide examples of how Speigelman increases the tension through several instances of “close calls.”
In what ways is language used in Ch 6, and throughout the novel, to distinguish between the various ethnic groups or nationalities? How does language provide safety?
The ending of Ch 6 is frustrating because of the final confrontation. Do you understand why Vladek did what he did? Do you understand Art’s reaction? How do you respond to Vladek’s comment that “for years they lay there and nobody even looked in”?