Case Study:The girls have been known to the Ruskin Vale Children’s Services for over 3 years. Amy is 13. She has been in and out of care since she was 10. Her mother died when she was nine. She lives with her father, Dave and her younger sister Maisie aged 11. Dave and Amy have a very difficult relationship and often argue. Dave says that he loves Amy but he cannot handle her anger and aggression. He feels that she does not respect his authority and that she will lead her younger sister astray. He wants her to be taken in to care.Within six months of his wife’s death, Dave began a relationship with Laura. Both girls made it clear to their father that they do not like Laura. They refuse to eat the meals that she prepares when she visits and spend most of the time in their rooms.Amy has been ‘bunking off’ school, staying out late and coming home drunk. She has gone missing from home for days at a time. Dave has lost days off work looking for her when she goes missing. He has had to arrange for Maisie to stay with his parents when Amy goes missing. Dave suspects that Amy is having sex with her older boyfriend and taking drugs. He is also concerned that she may not be using contraception.

The family are of black African and Caribbean heritage. The family regularly attended church when Dave’s wife Nina was alive. You are a Step Up to Social Work student and have been asked by your supervisor to produce a report on the Harris family for a strategy meeting to understand the family’s needs and to help them move forward. Your report must be written in the third person. The structure of your report should include the following:Report layout including subsections: • Cover page: ID number, Module title, Topic and word count• Introduction • Task 1 • Task 2 • Task 3 • Conclusion and Recommendations • Reference list• Use of subheadings is accepted• Use of tables to present some information e.g. life stages/lifecycle is accepted
Page 3of 11In support of your discussion, you should use examples and relevant academic literature, appropriately referenced in Harvard format. There is no need for an executive summary or a contents page as this is not a lengthy report.Introduction(10 Marks)Using the case study notes on Amy,you should explain the purpose of your report. You will give the reader a brief outline of the issues that the report will address.Points to consider:•Academic sources to be cited in-text citation using the Harvard referencing system•Proofread your work to eliminate errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar

Task 1. Discuss the different stages of the lifecycle.(15Marks)Using the case study notes,identify and discuss the different stages of Amy’s lifecycle.

Assessment criteria:

•Knowledge and understanding of the different stages of the life cycle•Application of relevant theories used to explain lifecycle development Points to consider:•Definitions for lifecycle development

•Identify each stage of Amy’s lifecycle including her social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development within each of her life stages of development.

•Explain the concept of nature and nurture in relation to Amy and her sister’s development.

Task 2. Analyse different needs at different points of the lifecycle.(40marks)

Analyse Amy’s need sat this stage of her lifecycle.

Assessment criteria

•Knowledge and understanding of individual needs and how need can influence development.

•Ability to analyse how the dynamics of race/ ethnicity/culturemay impact or influence development

.•Ability to analyse the needs at different stages of the lifecycle using a wide range of resources. Points to consider:

•Definitions of needs•Identify and discuss theories of needs
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•Identify theories of identity including race/ethnicity/culture

•Discuss Amy’s needs, why it is a need and the consequences of herneeds not being met

•Analyse how Amy’s needs are interrelated and how these needs relate to Amy’s future development.Task 3Apply theories of lifecycle development.(25 Marks)Choose one theory that is relevant to explain the dynamics of the family focusing on Amy. Outline and assess how this theory helps inform the professionals’ discussion for the Strategy meeting.Assessment criteria:

•Knowledge and understanding of one lifecycle development theory•Ability to apply the relevant theory to Amy’s lifecycle

•Ability to consider possible limitations to the lifecycle theory Points to consider:It is important to select one lifecycle development theory that is relevant to Amy’s development. There are numerous theories that can be applied. Any one of the following can be discussed and appliedto Amy’s development. •Bowlby•Piaget•Vygotsky•Maslow•Bandura•Erickson•Freud•Melanie Klein How does the theory explain what has happened to the family and Amy,in particular?What are the flaws/ drawbacks with your chosen theory?Does the theory consider all aspects of Amy’s development?

Discuss how the theory may or may not help professionals at the Strategic meeting in coming to a decision on the future of Amy and her family. Conclusion and Recommendations (10 marks)You are expected to provide a conclusion and make at least one(no more than four)recommendation within your report for the Strategy meeting.Your conclusions are the inferences you have drawn or points that you have made in your discussion.
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The recommendations are the steps that you think should be taken based on your discussion, supported by evidence. Your recommendations should be written in the ‘should’ or ‘should be’ style. Points to consider

•The structure of the report is followed

•Inclusion of in-text citation using the Harvard referencing system

•Attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar

•Comprehensive bibliography/ reference list including the course textbook is provided Useful resources Becket C & Maynard A (2017) Values and ethics in Social work International Society for Behavioural Development Howe D (2011) Attachment across the life course. Basing stoke: Pal grave Mac Millan Peteiro M, Wyatt L, Wedlake P, & Rasheed E (2017) CACHE Technical level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social care. London: Hodder Education Walker S (2017) Effective social work with children, young people and families: Putting systems theory into practice. London: Sage. (Anglia Ruskin digital library)