Part 1.

Double Slit Interference In the pictures on the last page, the rays are emitted in all directions from the slits, but let’s concentrate on the rays that are emitted in a direction toward a distant screen measured from the normal to the barrier). One of these rays has further to travel to reach the screen, and the path difference is given by side.

Small angle simplification:

If is small, then sin (in radians),and bright spots occur on the screen at dm=; dark spots occur at dm21+=.
B)Press the green button on the light generator and generate an interference pattern on the screen. (Again,you should see something like what you see at the top of this page.)

C)Pull the measuring tape tool out of the box in the upper right and use it to measure L, the distance between the slits and the screen. Then measure the distance from the center of the central bright spot to the center of one of the 1storder bright spots. Record these values in Table 1. (Be sure to include units!!!) D)Calculate the wavelength of the light λusing the diffraction formula derived in the Background section. Record this value in

E)Pause the simulation and use the measuring tape tool to measure the wavelength directly. Record this value in Table 1.

F)Calculate the %-error between your calculated and measured values, and record this value in Table 1.

G)Adjust the frequency of light and repeat steps B-F. Color of Light Slit Separation d Distance from Slits to Screen L Distance from Central to 1stOrder Bright Spot x Wavelength λ(calculated) Wavelength λ(measured) %-Error Red Violet


1.What happened to the spacing of the bright spots when you increased the wavelength of the light?

2.Explain why your answer to #1occurred.

3.What happens to the interference pattern if d is increased? What if d is decreased?

4. Explain your reasoning for 3.Insert screenshots here to prove your point.

5. Name one of the Applications. List the source of in format