This discussion board will utilize information from this entire unit. Read through and answer this worksheet (I have attached the worksheet under files), assessing culpability during the Holocaust. Organize your thoughts to communicate in the discussion board. Be sure address the following in your post:

Which question do you fell is a non-brainier, that is, it is a clear issue of responsibility or not.

These would be the ones you ranked the most extreme with a one or a four. Elaborate on why you feel like that one is pretty obvious.

Which question surprised you the most? For example, which one had you not thought about their role until this point.

Elaborate on why it was surprising to you.

Which question do you feel like is the most difficult to discern culpability? Explain why you feel that one is so difficult to assess.

You may use the information from the Milligram and Zimbardo (links below) experiments to support your position.