The digital divide is not just a phenomenon found in emerging nations – the digital divide is “real” to many who live in the United States.

Read the following article, including the additional readings in this Pew series on the digital divide Digital Gaps Persist, then respond to the following questions:

What is the digital divide and why is it important in the social sciences? (4 points)
Respond to 2 of the following 4 questions: (3 points each)

How does the digital divide affect those living in rural/non-urban America? Provide at least one solution to this rural digital gap.

Social and behavioral scientists who work with disabled Americans  are concerned how the digital divide affects individuals in the disabled community What digital divide challenges do those with disabilities face?  Suggest at least one way in which the gap might be narrowed.

How does the digital divide affect low income families and their abilities to access digital technology?

Smart phones often help bridge the digital divide. How are communities of color (Black, Hispanic) positively affected with access to smart phones in reducing the digital divide? What work remains to fill the digital divide gap for minority communities?

Your quiz must be in APA format including in-text citations and reference list.