Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Must answer TWO from the following questions:
Your research aimed to test the effect of procedural justice training on police behavior. A program that emphasized the importance of voice, neutrality, respect, and trustworthiness in policing actions (consistent with principles of procedural justice) was delivered to a group of police officers.

The program’s goals were to increase the level of respect with which officers treat the public. In this study, (dis)respect was operationalised as the number of times officers used force against civilians.

You collected data for each officer on how many times they had used force against civilians in the 12-month period prior to the training occurring, and in the 12-month period following the training occurring. Your data are non parametric. Your results are shown below.

Report your results of your analysis.
What can you conclude about the effect of procedural justice training on police behavior?

What statistical test did you use to reach this conclusion?