Cultural International Perspective

It is believed that people who live and learn in two languages do significantly better on standardized tests. This is partly due to how the brain calls upon executive functions such as

1. Attention control,

2. Cognitive focus

a. Briefly explain why the above statements true or not true?

b. Briefly explain why “attention control” is so important for English language

c. Briefly explain what role does culture plays in the development of a second

When researchers compared responses of 6-year old from bilingual children with monolingual children, they found that the bilingual brain is highly engaged in the cognitive challenges of evaluating between the two competing language systems. This requires “executive functioning,” where attention is selecting and focusing between two competing language systems.

a. Briefly explain what some other benefits of acknowledging the first language are and culture of English Language Learners?

b. Briefly explain what is meant by the “systematic effect of experience” and why is it necessary to the learning process? Give two examples.