
1-Calculate the concentration of Glucose in each of the tubes used for the standard curve.(the initial concentration is 2.5mM so you can calculate the final concentration in each of 6 pair of tubes)

2Calculate the average of each duplicate (pair) assay you have carried out

3Subtract from all the above averages,the average of the sample of the standard curve that contained no glucose. This is referred to as background because the absorbance in this tube is not due to glucose.

4Plot glucose concentration (X axis) vs. optical absorbance (Y axis) (use the average values calculated above). Draw a line of best fit and show the fit equation.

5Calculate the glucose concentration of unknown A and B by reading from the line of best fit. (Remember that B was diluted 20 times). Show how to calculate those concentrations.

6Convert the absorbance of all the other samples to glucose concentration

7Explain the meaning of all the concentrations found in point 6