Week 2: Recruitment methods

1. Explain why line managers adopt the rational approach to recruitment?

2. Describe the differences between a job description and person specification?

3. List three ways to encourage diversity when recruiting candidates?

Week 3: Selection Methods

1. What are the problems with using selection interviews to identify the best candidate in relation to reliability and validity as a selection tool?

2. What are the advantages of using a competency framework to design selection interview questions?

Week 4: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

1. A friend suggests that George should implement mandatory diversity training. Based on your reading of the Dobbin and Kalev (2016) article, do you agree with George’s friend?

Provide specific examples from the article to back up your point why you agree/why you do not.
2. Recommend to George two alternative diversity management interventions, that academic research has proven to be effective.

You should cite relevant theory to support your points and illustrate them with empirical evidence using Harvard referencing.

Week 5: Skills, Training and Development

1. What are the challenges which Covid 19, has created for adult learners employability in the labour market?

2. Why is coaching by line managers important for the performance of their teams?
What benefits does conducting induction for new joiners have for organizations?

Week 6: Performance Management

1 copy and paste a fully completed table assessing the performance review practices that you have experienced in your current job role.
2. Identify one area of performance review in your current job role that is weak, and explain why this is a problem.