Record your presentation, including slides, audio, and a live image of yourself using the Panopto, Adobe Connect, or Google Hangout platform.

1.  Present an introduction of your capstone project.

2.  Describe how your capstone project filled the gap between evidence and current practice.
3.  Explain the process you went through to develop and launch your capstone project.

4.  Reflect on your capstone implementation experience by doing the following:

a.  Discuss the most successful aspects of your capstone project.

i.  Explain how the successes of this project help to inform future projects.

b.  Discuss aspects of your project that did not go as well as anticipated.

i.  Explain how an understanding of what did not go well can help to inform future projects.

5.  Discuss the organization’s plan to support the post-implementation of the capstone project, including plans for short- and long-term maintenance.

6.  Discuss the resources needed for post-implementation support.

7.  Describe two MSN program outcomes that were integrated into your capstone project.