The essay will center on your ability to synthesize learning from the taught material and any further reading you have engaged with during the module. As either a dietitian or nutritionist you are expected to be an evidence-based practitioner. That is, you must inform your practice using the evidence base. One aspect of this is understanding how social structures and society can influence an individual’s food choice. Therefore, you will be expected to give an account of how food choice may be influenced by these factors, drawing from the evidence base to support your ideas.

The aim will be to assess your ability to prepare a structured essay, using analysis, evaluation and synthesis of the current evidence base.

LO2: Recognize the sociological aspects of health, social organization, socialization and social status that determine lifestyle choices and access to healthcare.

This assessment will consist of an essay (1000 words). You will be required to answer the following question:

 Discuss the sociological factors which influence food choice.

 In your answer, you should consider those which impact individuals and groups in society.