Empirical Finance

Using a sample from October of 1980 to December of 2020 answer the questions below.
Question 1
Report the descriptive statistics and comment on the characteristics of the portfolio and the factors series. Discuss whether these series are appropriate for a regression analysis and what problems may arise from using such series? (The statistics should be in a nicely formatted table within the main text, with Eviews output in the Appendix.)

Question 2
Estimate the CAPM and Fama-French 3 factor model using OLS in EViews. Comment in detail on your regression outputs. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the slope coefficient estimates and the statistical significance and fit of the overall regression, for both models.

Question3 (20 points) Compare the results between the two models of question 2 and comment on which one is better in describing the returns of the portfolio? Furthermore, discuss whether the regressions of question 2 violate any of the main assumptions.

Question 4
Estimate the CAPM model for the portfolio series using quantile regression in EViews for a set of quantiles ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. Comment in detail on your regression output. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the quantile slope coefficient estimates and compare them with the OLS estimates in Question 2. Perform an equality coefficient test across quantiles.

Question 5 (20 points) Describe how to choose between two non-nested models and potential problems associated with such an approach. How would non-normal data affect this selection approach?