Analyzing Language and Emotion (Traditional)
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 6, Section 6.5;
Using our required readings and one recent peer-reviewed article, briefly explain the most well-known regions of the brain involved in language generation and comprehension and explain ONE of the following:

The neurobiology of one language disorder of your choice OR
the neurobiology of one language function that most interests you such as reading, speaking, language learning, sign language, metaphor, categorization, or other topic.
For either topic, please mention specific brain regions underlying those functions.

Using our textbook and one recent peer-reviewed article, briefly explain the most well-known regions of the brain involved in emotion and then explain how language and emotion may interact behaviorally and neurologically. For example, does our language affect the emotions we feel and what might this look like within the brain and in daily life?

Choose emotion OR language (choose both for a challenge) and explain how knowledge of its neurobiology helps understand its relationship to ONE of the following topics:
Issues of culture and diversity
Life span development
Methods for improving personal or professional life Remember to support claims with peer-reviewed research
Discussion Tips and Recommendations
To find articles, likely search terms include [cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, neurology, behavioral neuroscience, neurobiology, genetics, neurophysiology, neural mechanisms, etc.] of (your topic).

Demonstrate your knowledge of this week’s material and your ability to summarize it for a general audience.
Include a few statistics or numerical results, mention interesting methods, and avoid quotation by paraphrasing instead.

The main post must be 300 words or more. You must cite at least two scholarly, credible or peer-reviewed (Links to an external site.) articles according to APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.).