Immigration Policy and its psychological and social impact

Identify the argument – that is, look for what the authors set out to study, what they suspect/ intend to learn more about, and why, in your own words;

• Evaluate 1 or 2 relevant aspects of the argumentation in the research article in terms of your advocacy position – that is, look at the actual findings and engage the aspects that are most compelling for you;

• Assess how the research article influences the case that YOU are building on the relevance of your advocacy position.

In this scholarly journal “How U.S. Policy Has Failed Immigrant Children: Family Separation in the Obama and Trump Eras” by Claudio Perez, he takes a look into the background of both Obama and Trump and their immigration policies.

He goes even further to discuss the psychological impact on the families and children who are detained and separated from their parents in harsh conditions, as well discussing ramifications of the criminal law and some solutions.

Perez emphasizes the psychological impact that separated families from this Zero Tolerance policy has on these families, they could develop depression anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A child should not have to experience feeling like a prisoner or an animal at these detention centers and should not be separated from their families for so long or have none to return back to. The effects of the Zero Tolerance Policy have gone way beyond its authority by surpassing the law that keeps those families together and has spent so much more money compared to safer and effective alternative routes that could spare these families of this traumatic experienc