Understand How Children And Young People Develop

Activity 1 – Criteria 1.1
Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years. (1.1)

For this activity, produce a factual booklet identifying the key milestones looking at physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social from birth through to 19 years.

Activity 2 – Criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Understand the factors that influences, children and young people’s development and how these affect practice.

For this activity, answer each the criteria. Include reliable, valid information in your response. Include a bibliography. Each of the criteria:

• Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of biological factors

• Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors

• Explain how theories of development and educational frameworks influence current practice

Activity 3 – Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this is not following the expected pattern.
Criteria 3.1, 3.2

In this activity, produce a training manual that can be used to inform new staff on how to monitor children and young people’s development using a range of methods, and interventions and provides positive outcomes.

• Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods

• Identify how other professionals and different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern.