Part 1: Connecting of Economic Inequality and Poverty to Social Work Values and Human Rights

A. Provide 2 examples of how economic inequality and/or poverty impact the population you
chose in part one (individuals of below average intelligence).

B. Choose 2 Ethical Principles identified in the NASW Code of Ethics and explain how they relate to the economic inequality experienced by your chosen population. (Individuals of below average intelligence).

C. How does economic inequality, particularly as experienced by this group, connect to human rights concepts? (For this part sources can be from any peer reviewed literature, at least 5 sources, not verbatim but paraphrased and clearly explained as they relate to the prompts)
Second page:

Part 2: Connecting to Theory

A. Use the social policy of, successful aging, to focus on in this assignment.

B. Choose one theoretical perspective that relates to your chosen area of social policy.

C. How does this theory inform social worker’s understanding of this problem, particularly as experienced by this group? (Individuals of below average intelligence).

How does this theory inform our understanding of society’s response to this problem?

D. Based on the readings so far (For this part of the assignment the sources should mainly be from the attached list, which are the readings the teacher is referring to, at least 5 sources), how does this theory or another theoretical perspective inform your understanding of the population you identified? (Individuals of below average intelligence).