Online Information Landscape

Answer the questions below in essay form. 

Whenever you include someone else’s ideas or information, you must cite the source of those ideas, whether you quote directly, summarize, or paraphrase from the source.

For this discussion, you should include both an in-text citation and a full citation at the end of your essay. Hanging indents (indenting all the lines in the citation except the first line) are difficult to format in Canvas and are not required in discussion posts.

How has misinformation/disinformation affected you? How might filter bubbles have influenced the situation? How did the article/podcast/video you chose add to your understanding?

How do you get your information about the world? Do you have any concerns about the quality of the information you are exposed to? Why or why not?

What strategies have you learned this week that will help you avoid misinformation and/or find better information in the future?