This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:
Identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management
IT Strategic Plan for GG Freight ways
Lance, the new has asked you to write an IT Strategic Plan that he can use to guide the direction for his organization. The ITSP will be developed in two parts.

Business Statement – Summarize in one paragraph, in your own words, the business of GGFRT. Include the locations of the company/terminals/maintenance facilities, fleet information/details (breakdown), and current/future financial climate/goals (with cost savings). Refer to Case Study.

Business Strategic Objectives – In the Case Study, the management team has identified three (3) new strategic objectives.

Next add a new strategic objective of your own – one that you consider important to the current and future health of GGFRT’s business. In the explanation (for the new objective only), it should also add a statement of how the management team would improve the business of GGFRT.

It can be one of the three federal/state regulations that the company wants to remain in compliance with, or a new one that you choose.

Business Strategic Objective (BSO)  State the Objective; for the new objective, it should not discuss IT.

Explanation (in your own words for each BSO; for the new objective only, also incorporate how the management team would use the new objective to improve the business of GGFRT.
IT Mission and IT Vision Statements – Write two short paragraphs with separate IT mission and IT vision statements for the Information Technology Department at GGFRT. Label one “a. IT Mission Statement:” and one “b. IT Vision Statement:”. The format should be:

IT Governance – Using the course content materials and the case study, describe, following the format below for each section, how the IT governance process should work for GGFRT. Lance wants to engage the other senior leaders, so include:
who the participants are,

what each of their roles are on the governance board (why each is a member of the governance body, not their general roles in the company),

what specific governance methodology should be established/justification (i.e. COBIT, ITIL, etc.; documents in various weeks’ content), discussing your choice based on projects/case study
what general responsibilities the governance body would have, and
how they would prioritize IT projects to include (1) prioritization tool, (2) general criteria that is being considered for determining project importance, specific systems being planned should not be noted as the priority).

Refer to the course materials on governance, and you should supplement those documents with external research. IT Governance methodologies are covered in Week 5’s course content.

Inventory of Current IT Systems – Using the information in the Case Study, you will use the table provided to describe the current systems in use (not the systems being planned or in process of being completed, servers and PCs are hardware, not systems) and the IT resources allocated to their support (these are personnel in the IT