Too much to accomplish has a way of becoming intoxicating, Moses apparently knew little about delegation of responsibility. That may explain why he was overburdened. When Jethro asked him why “you alone sit, and all the people stand before you,” he replied that “the people come to me to inquire of God.” Could it be that the statement reflects the intoxicating allure of being in charge and doing more then it was required of him?

The view of Moses is certainly a man in burnout. People in burnout often accept new work and assignments, and then complain about the workload. In burnout, as you are unable to perform, you transfer failure away from yourself and look for others to blame.

How about you and me? Do we feel overwhelmed by our studies, work, and life?

To achieve spiritual re-building, it will be essential to re-establish purpose in life. Here are some practical advises to get out of burnout:

– Recognize and identify the problem.

– Establish a regular ongoing prayer time.

– Identify goals and evaluate accordingly both at home, school and on the job.

– Maintain personal growth.

– Seek out helpful supervision for your work and studies

– Develop an active outside life with a variety of interests.

– Personalize your work and home environment with meaningful pictures, objects, colors, etc.

– Feel comfortable with yourself, set limits for yourself, and know how far to become involved with
family and colleagues.

– Encourage and practice good communication skills.

– Provide for flexible working conditions.

– Seek out encouragement for trying new ideas.

– Find your own “decompression techniques” such as exercise or outdoor activities that relieve
tension and put you into a more relaxed state.

– Build a support system for yourself with those who can discuss your problems and help look for
solutions. Don’t just air gripes, but look for solutions.