Venture Creation

Remember Marketing and Management? You were asked to present a 5-minute A.V. on the Sharing Economy? This is your opportunity to go beyond that and engage with your group’s creativity, innovation and visioning. Here is your task.
In the year 2025, visualize the “smart-city” where you and your family may want to live. (TechRepublic Link) Concentrate on one of the sources of value creation within a circular. (Link – resource scarcity information technology pervasive shift in consumer behaviour.) and ask “what will your team aspire to see, do and experience in a “circular economy”?
Assessment 1

Note: Use your venture name on all documents

Assessment 1a. Investor Virtual Campaign Pitch
Your circular Economy Virtual Pitch is a video or animated pitch of your product or service. The assessed virtual pitch should be no longer than 10 minutes audio-visual presentation long.

Assessment 1b. Support Material for Virtual Pitch

Provide support material for a growth plan includes:

The story behind your pitch. This should include the value proposition for your backers. (400 words)

A list of FAQs (with answers) your investors may ask.

A written summary and graphics of why investors should back your project.

A Growth Trajectory, including timelines, growth ambitions, downside risks and communications for investors. This is your most important part) you were not asked to produce a Business Plan, with financials. The ‘’Growth Trajectory’’ can be a one page graphic but should be no longer than three pages. It summaries the ‘’Big Vision’’ of where you are going.

You are encouraged to use images rather than words to communicate the distinctiveness and position of your Venture.

Assessment 2
Assessment 2. Individual Reflection

Identify one (or no more than 3 areas) that you found challenging in finalizing your venture proposal or creating a virtual pitch for investors. Your reflection might include any one of the following

The nature of the challenges your or your team faced.

How you/your team (positively) addressed that challenge

The impact this had on your venture and its prospects

How would you approach differently in the future?

Reflections on that learning for your future business career. (Most important element)
Ideally in report format: word limit 1,500 words excluding diagrams, images, infographics and references.
Go deep concentrate on One issue You choose the issue!

Assignment 2 Reflections checklist….
Have your reads articles to understand what makes a ‘’good’’ reflective assignment? (More than 5?)

Have you gone deep or are you skimming the surface by describing all the decisions you took?

Are your entrepreneurship or decision making models sourced and critiqued from reliable and topical sources?

Are your terms defined eg value proposition has many meanings?

Have you used imagery to support your Pitch and Support material?

Have you managed to be constructively self-critical?

Do you offered a set of conclusion that outline how you / your team would perform better the next time?

Summary of your Venture and its growth prospects.
Assessment of models or approaches that you have found useful/ not found useful.
Why you selected the challenge(s)

The nature and impact of the challenge (s) faced.

How you addressed the challenges