Reflection Essay/Self-Assessment

Through this essay students will demonstrate critical thinking and reflection skills as they review and analyze information.

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a reflection essay about your personal development, academic connections to the course content and recommendations for your future action (an overall assessment of what you have learned throughout this course, and how it relates to your current academic study and/or future aspirations). Feel free to use the following questions (but not limited to) as a guide in writing your essay:

Have your listening, writing, and speaking skills improved?

Has your attitude about speaking changed since the beginning of the semester?

What advances have you made in the use of public communication, interpersonal communication, or research?

What parts of this class do you see as relevant to your future in college and/or career?

Refer to the starred assignments you have completed (your best work) and explain why you’re proud of them.


Observe the standard essay format: introductory paragraph with thesis, thoroughly developed body paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion paragraph. The final (self-assessment) is due during the exam period:

The reflective essay should be 2-3 pages (500-750 words) in length and typed in APA format. Read all the guidelines and refer to the rubric before writing.

Submit the essay into the provided drop box in Blackboard by the specified due date as an attached Word doc (emailed assignments (this includes shared documents via Share Drive) will NOT be accepted! NO exceptions and NO excuses!). If the essay is NOT submitted into Blackboard, it will NOT be graded and will receive zero credit (This is your final exam, so please make sure you adhere to all directions mentioned above).

1. Length and elements: Students will type a well-structured two-three-page essay—500-750 words (do NOT go over the page and word count limit), double-spaced (this does not include your title page). You must include a cover sheet with the title of your paper and your name. Margins should be no wider than 1″. Please number your pages.

2. Appearance: Proofread all final papers for grammatical and spellings errors, and easy to read.

3. Format: Your paper should follow APA format. I have included examples of the APA format in this handout. For further information, consult the style manual or visit the Chattahoochee Tech Library web page:

EVALUATION: This assignment will be graded on quality of writing, depth of insight in reflection, appropriate application of course terms, and clarity of written style.

STUDENT TIP SHEET: Writing an Effective Reflection/Self-Assessment Paper


• What? Start by describing and examining what happened during your experience. This includes observations about your own and other people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

• So what? Make meaning of ‘what’ happened. Move your thinking from description to analysis and interpretation. Explore how the academic concepts you have learned from class lectures and readings, relate to your experiences. Explore and critique academic concepts by examining how theory both fits well with your experience and where there are gaps.

• Now what? Identify how what you have learned can be used in the real world. Explore how parts are relevant to your future in college and/or career.

Explore how theory can be used to improve practice. Explore how practice can be used to improve theory.