MLA citation

Each assignment must be 2-3 pages long, double spaced, and adhere to MLA citation and formatting standards. You must also use direct quotations from the original and/or adaptation that you view to support the arguments being put forth.
You should write the review as if you were writing for a newspaper and provide a judgment about the adaptation (successful/unsuccessful? accurate/inaccurate? etc.). As such, you should think about the adaptation you watch or read in two ways:

1) How successful the adaptation is overall. What have the writer or director, actors, and creative team done that has made the adaptation either a success or a failure (or something in between)?

2) The adaptation’s relationship to the original. How is it an accurate/inaccurate portrayal of the original? (if known) Were any interesting choices made that affected your understanding of either the original or the adaptation? For instance, was the story modernized?

For instance, did you watch a version of Twelfth Night that was set in the 19th century instead of Shakespeare’s late 16th/early 17th? If so, did this enhance or detract from your understanding in any way? Or did a minor character become a major character in the adaptation? What was the effect?