A review of the history (if applicable). For some issues or topics, you might need to explore how the ideas about this topic have changed over time. For example, if you were writing about the environmental health of the ocean, you might start by discussing how for many years scientists and citizens thought that the ocean was a safe place to dispose of trash, especially plastics.

Then you would talk about how that view is changing. For example, in the last few decades we have discovered that the garbage being spewed into the ocean is having detrimental effects on human health. (Be sure to include the source for the history on your works cite page.

It can count as one of the five sources you are required to include to complete the assignment.) Then you would briefly summarize the sources you have that support that history. Please note: not all topics will require this section, but many of them will.

Determine the key points. The next 3-5 paragraphs will discuss the key points you discovered from reading your sources. In your essay, answer the following questions. Don’t type this as question then answer, but formulate the answers into paragraphs. Refer back to the lesson on the AXES paragraph structure for help with this.

What are the key points that are repeated throughout all the sources?

What ideas do you see repeated again and again? Feel free to quote the various sources to support your key points.

What are some ideas that seem to be disagreements between the sources? You will have as many paragraphs as you have disagreements