Operations Management (MBA)

Worker Utilization

Restaurant Customer Queue Length when Carryout Orders are Being Processed
Use 81 as the value of (service rate) and recalculate worker utilization
Use this new value of to recalculate the number of customers waiting in the queue
This will give you a good insight into the impact that accepting more carryout orders would have on queues at the restaurant.

Read the two articles referenced below which describe how customers in service industries introduce variability.

Use the knowledge acquired to discuss how customers introduce variability for the Paramount

Discuss whether the Paramount accommodates or reduces this type of variability.

Using the information from the case study and knowledge acquired from the calculations performed in part 1), students should consider the issue of carryout orders.
Your answer should consider the following issues:

Where has the idea for carryout orders come from?

What are the business motivations for adding this type of service?

What impact will adding this service have on the restaurant customer experience?