Carry out a research analysis regarding the application of blockchain in Digital identity.
In this regard, prepare recommendation whether blockchain technology should be further developed about digital identity. Additionally, think of a particular industry for where this application may be vital.

Structure to follow,

1. What is the blockchain innovation about with regard to digital identity in this industry of choice? In particular touch upon the issues this blockchain aims to solve in digital identity in the industry selected

2. What are the characteristics of the blockchain in question? (Public/private blockchain? etc.)

3. Is it only about blockchain technology? Or maybe solutions at the intersection of blockchain and ML, Big Data are considered here? If you are arguing for yes, why other technologies are not solving the problem. If you are arguing for no, what other technologies are better to do the job, and why? (Think whether ML would be a good tool to solve the problem in your space, similarly to how you are assessing blockchain’ suability.)

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain application in this area?

5. Conclusions: Take a side and develop recommendation based on your analysis. oIf you argue for using blockchain technology, write what would need to be further developed (improved, changed) in order to make this application solve the still existing problems in the best possible way of you argue not for using blockchain technology, write what would be a better solution (decentralized ledger, or something completely different).