Sustainable Architecture and Adaptive reuse of buildings

Sustainable Architecture (renewable energy in buildings and cities like heat, electricity, hot water), using recycled and environmentally friendly materials.

Giving awareness and inducing sustainability as a culture through architecture within the public. FOCUS ON WRITING ARCHITECTURALLY like mentioning technological aspects of architecture too with examples from buildings and architects.

How can the preservation of buildings through adaptive reuse and sustainable architecture benefit society and the planet while maintaining the importance of social well-being compared to the demolishment and reconstruction method used in the past?

– Introduction (Establish in brief the line of inquiry + main point(s) in response to the essay question you have chosen – WHAT; HOW; WHY.

Start by summarizing the key of your yr 1 manifesto. You must briefly mention: how you are departing from your earlier manifesto (from Year 1) and arriving at your new inquiry.

Here you should introduce your new field of interest, your research question, and your methodology. This should be articulated in the context of theories and histories of architecture and other relevant fields of research that influenced your direction and shaped your design ideas over the past years of your education.

Focus on framing the research question through key ideas, concepts, authors, practitioners and built/unbuilt examples which help set the theoretical framework where the discussion of the manifesto will be set.)

– Chapter headings (Arranged under three headings, discuss the line of inquiry and its relevant points in the Introduction – these should be arguments or views that frame, contextualize and more importantly critical views [opposing or supporting].

Many of these views can be found in bibliographies that accompany your chosen question. The main body of the argument should focus on addressing ways to answer the research question or shedding light onto a forgotten but now relevant problem related to architecture.

The final document should identify the key references from which the discussion in the manifesto will be drawn, and make clear the significance to the topic e.g. key philosophical, architectural, urban, social, economic, environmental theories and paradigms.

You must also illustrate your work with relevant examples [as buildings, architects, general facts or information]; all visuals need to have captions, and referred to within the body of the text; the images are not to be treated as a ‘decorative’ element.

Note there has to be a sense of flow in the discussion from sentences, paragraphs to sections within each chapter and from chapter to chapter. It is crucial that these ideas always link to the stated line of inquiry.)

– Conclusion (What is the main argument of your chosen question? What key aspects have you discovered through your interrogation of the question?)