
The purpose of this session is to help you clearly define your practice question, and to ensure you have identified an appropriate evidence-based intervention to support the rigor of your project.

Answer the following questions using diabetes

My practicum will be on diabetics, either newly diagnosed or prediabetics. I will be doing the case study version so for those questions that do not need to be answered I put NOT APPLICABLE.

1. What is the practicum site problem (practice problem for case-study option students) you have identified?

2. How was this problem brought to your attention?

3. What is your goal for your DNP project; that is, what do you hope to accomplish?

4. How many participants do you anticipate being involved (or would be involved) in your project? (clearly identify if participants are patients, nursing staff, or others)

5. Has the practicum site provided you a letter of support on letterhead, stating that you can implement this project at the facility? (Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

6. Have you identified if there is an IRB process that needs to be done at the site? If, no, please make sure you get a letter from the site stating there is no IRB. If there is IRB needed from the site, please make sure to identify what is needed for the process so you may begin the necessary steps as soon as possible. (Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

7. In your search of the literature, what evidence-based intervention and tool (if necessary) have you identified for your project?

8. Has this tool been previously utilized with the same population of participants you plan to use?

9. Have you requested permission from the original author to use the tool?

10. Have you considered the implementation timeframe of eight – ten weeks, and do you feel you can successfully implement this project within the established timeframe?

11. What type of statistical analysis will you use to evaluate your project outcomes?

12. Have you identified a statistician to assist with your data analysis?

(Not required for case-study option students) NOT APPLICABLE

12. So, with this in mind, what is your practice question in the PICOT format? What are the elements of your PICOT question?

13. Population

14. Intervention

15. Comparison

16. Outcome

17.Time frame