Sources of your food selections:
Use your food record from Assignment 1 to answer the following questions.

How many foods were processed?

How many foods did you prepare and/or cook?

How many foods were not prepared or processed? Examples of these types of foods would be milk, orange, banana, raw vegetables, salad (dressing would be processed), etc.

How many foods were prepared by somebody else, for example at a restaurant?

5) What percent of the foods you ate were processed, prepared by you or someone else, or an processed/an prepared?

Write a short review of what you have learned about your diet in Part I. It must be at least 200 words long.

Part II. Reading Food Labels.
Select one processed foods from your Assignment 1 food record that contains more than five ingredients.

List the ingredients.

Which ingredients are food additives? What is their function? (If you need more lines, then hit the tab button on at the end of the last line.)