You have already made some significant contributions to operations and have caught the eye of the CEO. One day she asks you to come to her office. When you get to there, she asks if you know anything about privacy laws.

You say that you took an excellent cyber law class at ODU but before you can explain how privacy was just one of many topics covered in the class the CEO interjects,  Without giving you a chance to say anything, she proceeds to explain that the company has been approached by the FBI to voluntarily provide DNA information about customers to assist them with an investigation into a series of unsolved gruesome murders that took place 20 years ago. You start by checking the Privacy Statement:
Access To Your Information

Your Personal Information may be shared in the following ways:

With our service providers​, as necessary for them to provide their services to us.

With qualified research collaborators​, only if you provide your explicit consent.

We will not​ share your data with any ​public databases​.

We will not​ provide any person’s data (genetic or non-genetic) to an ​insurance company​ or ​employer​.


Write a memorandum (use common memorandum format such as To (CEO), From (You), Subject Line, Date) that is broken up into four parts:

Part One: Summarize the privacy concerns raised if Who Am I? provides customer DNA information about their customers to the FBI.

Part Two: Do you believe a greater societal need (identifying criminals) outweighs or does not outweigh the privacy concerns? Explain your position.

Part Three: Does the company Privacy Statement cover this situation? If not, what steps could Who Am I? take before making the customer DNA information available to the FBI?

Part Four: What risks (both legal and non-legal) does the company face if they decide to provide the customer information to the FBI without making any changes to the Privacy Statement or informing customers?

Outside references (properly cited) that support your position are good additions.


I will evaluate your paper based on:

1. Whether you answered all three questions fully. (Maximum of 12 points)

2. The quality, clarity, and thoroughness of your analysis. (Maximum of 10 points)

3. The quality and clarity of your writing (including grammar and punctuation, so please proofread.) (Maximum of 3 points) I expect this written product be of the quality you would submit to a (demanding) supervisor at work.