one short paragraph (3-4 sentences) explaining why you selected this article and
how it is relevant to your final project. My research question was: is MBTI test reliable?
4. Summary of the article. This summary should include:

a. What was the research question, and why was it important to study? What
information was missing from previous literature that this study set out to

b. What was the method? How did the researchers answer their question?

5. What the study found

a. Provide a summary of the results in your own words. In other words, do
not include statistics. Imagine you’re explaining the results to a child with
no statistics or research background; what’s the take-home message you
would give them?

b. Is this what the researchers expected to find? Why or why not?

6. Your opinion of the study

a. Do you think the researchers did a good job of answering their research

b. Do you have any concerns about the method? Consider any issues of
validity, reliability, sampling, ethics, etc.

c. Do you think the conclusions the researchers drew were justified given their method and results? For example, consider whether the researchers
overgeneralized their results beyond the population they tested.

d. What do you think the research contributes to the field in general?