Compare “Anti-Social Media” to “The Last Channel” in a specific and insightful way. Note that the standard notion of comparison includes both comparing and contrasting, that is, looking at both the similarities and the differences.

Your comparison can be on theme (alienation, societal expectations, etc.), relationships (family, romance, friendship, etc.), specific words (select, delete, overwhelm, obsess, meaning, random, love, etc.), metaphor (bridge, rabbit hole, etc.), style and structure (the use of lists, quotation vs. inner dialogue, etc.), or any other aspect that compares the two pieces in a meaningful and specific way.

The full title of the poem is “Antisocial Media: short fiction based on a true story,” is written by Kim Z Dale (January 10, 2014).

“Anti-Social Media” and “The Last Channel” are available as two separate PDF files and uploaded with the order.

NOTE: The instructions of this assignment and some examples (Previous Responses) (read these, but do not write on them) are avialibe as a PDF file and uploaded with the order.