Global Media Industries Assignment 2: Research plan

This assignment is designed to get you started on the essay as early as possible, and to give us the chance to provide you with feedback before you get too deep into the writing stage.

The main focus here is on creating an argument in relation to one of the set questions in Assignment 3: Global media essay and finding sources to support it, with information on how to successfully do both of these things provided in tutorials.

The research plan requires you to provide detail in the following sections:

Research plan

Here you will explain the argument you intend to make in relation to one of the set essay questions (see Assignment 3: Global media essay).

You will be expected to draw heavily on key concepts from MDA10008 covered in the unit learning materials and readings, and you will be required to include at least one example of in-text referencing using a source supplied to you in the weekly readings. The aim of this section is to demonstrate that you understand the key concepts of the unit and can use them to create an argument in relation to a set topic.

Here you will construct a brief essay plan, detailing what you hope to cover in each section. This can be presented in dot point format but must outline a minimum of five distinct paragraphs including introduction and conclusion.

Demonstrate your ability to construct a plan that can successfully respond to a set question.

The reference list must contain citations for any supplied material you have referred to in the argument section of the assignment. The aim here is to demonstrate your ability to correctly cite material in Swinburne Harvard style.

The power to control how culture is represented is one of the most significant attributes of modern media.

Demonstrate how media has been able to shape the way a particular cultural group has been perceived, and discuss the outcomes of that process.