Effects of exercise on heart rate
– Conduct your own research and cite all of your sources appropriately using the
Harvard referencing style.
– Demonstrate your ability to ethically and accurately track, record and communicate
your observations and measurements in your scientific writing.
– Write in the third person narrative and all scientific terms used should be defined.
o Someone who has not carried out this practical before should be able to
replicate your method exactly.
Your laboratory report must:
– Include a cover sheet
– Give a brief description introducing the scientific topic,
– Be 1500 words +/- 10% including in-text citations but excluding calculations and
– Include the accurate recording of materials, risk assessment, ethical
considerations, methods and observation / results,
– Include a discussion of the results and a conclusion.
– Be appropriately referenced using the Harvard referencing style
Sections to include:
Your laboratory report must be structured in this order, however you may begin writing the
sections in any order.
1. Title of your practical investigation
2. Abstract
Precise summary of the whole report
3. Introduction
Brief overview of key theories related to your practical investigation
Review of literature based on similar practical investigations
Objective of this practical
4. Method
Risk assessment
o What risks do you have to consider when conducting this practical at
o What risks would you have to consider when conducting this practical in a
Ethical considerations
Equipment and other material (including amount required)
o This must be detailed and clear. Another person must be able to follow
your method exactly.
5. Results & Calculations
20/21 Biology Cardiff International Study Centre
6. Discussion
What do the results mean?
Do they answer the questions of the practical investigation?
Where were errors introduced during the at-home investigation?
o What errors could occur if you conducted this practical in a laboratory?
Would you make any changes to how the practical was conducted at home? If
yes, what would they be?
o What changes would you make if you conducted the practical in a
Description of differences between at home and laboratory based practical
Any potential impact of your results on real world application?
7. Conclusion
Short review summarizing your method, main results and significant findings