Final Project Milestone One

You will select a case scenario focused on a biologic agent and perform a case analysis. You will analyze the influences on the agent, the impact of the agent on
society, and determine an appropriate strategy to combat the agent.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: In this section you will set the stage for your analysis by describing the public health issue, its development, and its concern to public

A. Describe the public health issue in your selected scenario and its importance and relevance to the world.

B. Outline how the issue has developed, providing specifics around the biological and molecular components.

C. Explain why, based on its biological and molecular components, this pathogen is of concern to public health.

D. Analyze how biology assists public health in planning, implementing, and evaluating local or global public health programs and interventions. In
other words, analyze the relationship between biology and public health’s attempts to mitigate diseases.