Custom Function in R CT6 MIS476

Write a custom R function that inputs a temperature in Fahrenheit Fo and converts to Celsius Co. The relationship is Co = 5(Fo – 32)/9.

Write a custom R function that computes the sum of squares of two numbers.

Write a custom R function that takes any uni-variate data set and calculates the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation.

In statistics, a data set needs to be transformed in order to meet certain assumptions.

Write a custom R function that takes any uni-variate data set and creates a histogram of the raw data set and a histogram of the log-transformed data set.

Write a custom R function of your own.  Describe what your function does and produce the output.
Using a Word document, include your all your functions along with least four different output results from each of the functions 1 through 5.

You may either copy and paste the codes and output results on a Word document or take the screen shots.

If you take the screen shots, make sure to show the current date.