As leaders we are constantly solving problems. For this project, you will construct a plan to address a challenge within your Organization (or an Organization of your choice that you research).

This Global Leadership Challenge is a 6-8 page paper that will include the following:

• Describe the need for change

• Provide background/historical information as needed

• Discuss barriers or resistance to the change

• Discuss benefits of the change

• Provide recommendations, and discuss the process/strategy you will follow to implement the changes.

Review the attached project guidelines to help assist you with developing your paper.

Paper Requirements:

The paper will be 6-8 pages in length, not including the cover, reference pages and/or any appendices

Include headings for each section as follows: Introduction, Problem Statement, Analysis, Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations.

Be sure to cite all sources. Sources not properly cited or not cited at all are considered plagiarism and will earn a zero grade.

Use scholarly journal and articles to support your research. PowerPoint, YouTube videos, websites, and Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources. If using a non-scholarly website, keep it to a minimum.