Reporting Project Progress & Transfer of Project Knowledge

Using your experience in organizations as well as through your research, identify and critically analyze five different knowledge transfer methods or tools. For example, wikis are a popular knowledge transfer tool used by many organizations. Classroom training and orientation programs are a couple of examples of organizational knowledge transfer methods. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method or tool included in your analysis.

Describe the knowledge transfer methods and tools you will utilize at the close of your project before the project team is disbanded, and explain the rationale behind your choices. Be sure to properly cite the sources of information used to inform your decision, providing at least one citation per source used that helped you arrive at a final decision.

Compose your work using Microsoft Word.

Each section must be at least 300 words (about a page) long.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spacing.

Organize your writing in sections with section headings.

Format section headings using Microsoft Word’s “Heading” functions.

Support the write-up with at least five additional sources as references.

Insert cover page and reference pages(s).

Cite and list references in correct APA style.

Check your work to correct any spelling or grammatical errors.