Paragraph One: Introduction

Use 4-5 sentences to explain the reason for interviewing a senior and the topics you will be writing about in this paper. Suggestion: read the questions below and incorporate some of the questions as the topics you will be addressing.

Paragraph Two: Address questions 1-3 below:

Select 2 healthy lifestyle habits/choices that the senior you interviewed practiced and incorporated throughout their life and state what those healthy lifestyle choices were. Refer to questions 2 – 13 and 18 – 22 from the interview to answer this question.

Explain why you think each of the 2 healthy lifestyle habits/choices they practiced were healthy choices. Additionally, list 2 examples of other possible healthy habits/choices that they could have made and explain the reasons why you chose them as possibilities.

Select one of the positive healthy lifestyle habits/choices they practiced and utilize research and evidence to support your thoughts regarding why this habit/choice is a healthy one to incorporate into one’s life.

Paragraph Three: Address questions 4-7 below:

After considering the most stressful situations/events that occurred in their live, describe how they coped with 2 of the stressful situations/events. (Refer to the senior’s responses to questions 14 – 16.)

Do you think their coping choices were positive and healthy ways to do so? Explain your answer.