Changes of Organizations REPLY 2 DB-735

Develop a response to the post below highlighted in yellow. As a reference, after the yellow highlighting is the post orignally submitted by me –  use this as a reference only.

The response must be a mínimum of 550 words (2 FULL PAGES);
Must include the integration of at least 4 peer-reviewed source citations reference published within the past five years (such as the textbook, or an article from a scholarly, peer-reviewed academic journal – NOT websites, newspapers, magazines, or blogs, etc) with corresponding APA-formatted in-text citations and reference list;
Must include at least 1 integration of biblical principle;

No quotations – only use if necessary but these words will not be counted towards the minimim Word count required;

Identify at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in the reasoning of each posting. response should NOT be a critique of the student’s post, nor should you acknowledge if they responded to the question.