Give two examples of chronic diseases (choose only one from the readings)?

What are the impacts of these chronic diseases on individual, family and community health?

How do you think individual, family and community healthy are interrelated?

How do you think self-management is critical in the context of these two chronic conditions?

Briefly describe the benefits of self-management for these two diseases or conditions

Summarize the role of family in the context of chronic conditions and self-management?

What is the role that you play as a nurse in your patients’ self- management of chronic diseases?


Based on the two videos

Reflect on your understanding of “Health as a right versus a luxury (good)”.

How strongly do you agree with the healthcare being a right? Why?

What solutions were provided by Tariq Sammour in the video in regarding to healthcare access?

How do you think these solutions might help achieve health equity and reduce disparities?

What were the main barriers for healthcare access that were highlighted in the video of Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities: A Patient’s Personal Story “?

How were these barriers addressed and tackled?

What was the health outcome?