Research Methods and Critical Thinking Skills

1. Choose a subject in health care that is of interest to you. Examples might include health behaviors, epidemiology, health information, wellness activities, etc.

2. Research a possible issue or problem within this area of health care.

3. Form a hypothesis for how to solve the issue or problem you have identified and use the scientific method to create and test your hypothesis.

4. Create charts, graphs or maps to illustrate the data from your research.

5. Using critical thinking and problem solving skills, how can health science professionals be successful in improving this problem?


Successfully chooses a topic and health problem that is appropriate by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● The topic is a defined health care problem.

● The topic can be applied as a focused research question.

● The topic is manageable.

● There is research and material available related to the chosen topic/health care

Successfully presents a hypothesis for how a health problem can be addressed by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● The hypothesis clearly defines the topic (health problem) and scope of the

● The hypothesis is specific and defines the variables that will be tested.

● The hypothesis is stated in the “if what, then” format Successfully uses the scientific method to prove or disprove the hypothesis by demonstrating all of the following criteria:

● Two or more research studies are used to support, or refute, the hypothesis.

● Two or more research methodologies are demonstrated (i.e. qualitative or qualitative).

● All research methodologies and studies applied are supported by relevant and
credible sources.

Successfully provides visual illustrations and data in relation to the healthcare problem by demonstrating all the following:

● One or more data sets, or illustration, is provided.

● All data sets and illustrations are relevant to the healthcareproblem.

● All data sets and illustrations are contextually supported and cited.

Successfully uses critical thinking and problem solving skills to provide viable solutions to the problem, by demonstrating all of the following: