Policy Evaluation (500-800 words). Consider the consequences of adopting your policies along the following dimensions:

Climate. How well do you think your proposal does regarding meeting the Paris climate goals? If not well, is this acceptable to you? Why?

Economy. If the world followed your recommendations, how would the economy be different in 2030? In what ways better? In what ways worse?

Equity. Consider whether your policies will disproportionately harm certain groups and how to mitigate such harms. To what extent does your proposal seem fair and equitable for different groups of people? Who would be the biggest winners and losers in your proposed future?

Environment. To what extent might your proposals address the climate problem and mitigate other environmental challenges? To what extent might your proposals cause or worsen other environmental problems?

Realism without cynicism. What would it take for your proposal to be realized? What barriers might arise in the implementation of your proposals, and how might they be addressed?