What calculations and other mathematical procedures do you need to do?
e.g. drawing and/or data display constructions

You might like to complete some of them in this space.

What is your solution to the problem?

Have you checked your calculations and other working are accurate?

You might like to complete some of them in this space.

Have you used both simple and complex subject matter to solve the problem?

Stage 3: Evaluate and verify

Prompting questions Your answers

What was the original issue, statement or question on the assessment task sheet?

Does your solution address all aspects of the task?

How do you know if your solution is reasonable?
(i.e. does it make sense?)

How have the assumptions and observations that you used affected your results?

Thinking about your assumptions and observations, what are the:
strengths (useful features) of your solution and/or model? (Why?) limitations (weaknesses) of your solution and/or model? (Why?)

Could your solution and/or model be improved? If so, how (think about the limitations)?

Prompting questions Your answers

How will you structure your response and communicate your findings?

You might like to use this space to plan and outline your response.What resources did you use?

Where did you source your data and any other information (observations) for your task?