Answer the questions below with and elaborate clearly using the above pages

The purpose of this investigation is to identify any additional cases of TB and individuals who may have been infected by these cases.

What is your “case definition” for transmission in this investigation? A complete case definition should include information on person, place, time, and clinical characteristics.

At this point, who needs to be tested for transmission of TB, through a TST?
All the church goers who were in attendance and others who may have come in contact with infected individuals.

Can you develop a hypothesis regarding this outbreak? Should priority be given to any particular group? (Google epidemiology hypothesis)

What was the response/cooperation rate of the choir members, assuming there were 500 choir members? Why is this important?
This is important so you can create a correct epidemiology hypothesis.

What preventive measures would you recommend for those who had a positive TST, but did not have any other sign of disease?
However, a chest x-ray is a test to clearly see if someone has TB so the correct preventive action can be taken.

Based on the pathogenicity–the ability of an agent to cause disease after infection of TB, do you recommend future TSTs and studies?