Tolerance for Ambiguity Profile Analysis

The Profile Analysis is intended to provide greater self-awareness through interpreting the results of a
self-assessment tool and using it to analyze your own behavior. It fits the application and analysis
aspects of Bloom’s learning taxonomy.

Formatting requirements
The paper itself should be 3 pages (+/- 1 page). The paper shall be 12 point font (preferably Times
Roman), well proofread, and organized. Lately I am finding single-spaced to be a better presentation as
long as the paper is well organized – block formatting, white space, and headings to enhance the
paper’s focus and flow. The easier the paper is to digest the more likely a better score.
Profile Analysis content:
For the assigned profile:

1) Report your score for each dimension (e.g., the Tolerance for Ambiguity scale has 3).

2) Interpret what each score says about your orientation. Do not define the dimension in its entirety; just
interpret the meaning of your specific score. State whether you agree or disagree with the assessment.
This should take roughly 3 – 4 sentences.

3) Provide a specific personal example to support your agreement or disagreement for each of the
dimensions. This should NOT be a simple restating of the definition. It needs to tell a who, what, how
story. Each dimension (e.g., novelty) should take a paragraph to half a page.

4) What have you learned from this analysis? For two dimensions, provide a specific, actionable, in-
depth personal example of (1) a new behavior and/or way of thinking, and (2) how you will adopt them to
leverage or modify your characteristics moving forward.

5) Attach your survey to the back. You can create a new page before the survey questions start and
then type your analysis into the document itself.