Executive Final Presentation Paper for Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation Context (20 points):
Describe the problem, the setting, and the context.
Identify impacted end user(s).
Breakdown the workflow of the impacted end user(s) without the technology and predict workflow with the technology.
Identify key stakeholders who need to ‘buy-in’ to solution’s implementation and the importance of their buy-in.
Assess competing solutions for the proposed CDSS which expands upon their existing gaps or inevitable competition for the proposed CDSS.

Implementation Approach (20 points):
Identify key champions who garner change for a successful clinical implementation.
Identify risks upon implementation and subsequent methods to mitigate identified risks relating to any existing impediments (change management, behavior management, cultural notions, etc.).
Describe data sources needed and extracted from source systems, and the complexity of obtaining such data elements.

Implementation Plan (20 points):
Create a roll-out plan for health care organization to include target areas such as specific service lines, levels of care, etc.
Develop an education plan required to train clinical (or other) end users.
Discuss how you will ensure connectivity and integration to databases encompassing data sources needed for the solution’s success.
Predict environmental and cultural factors which may inhibit the success of the solution.
Outline methods to mitigate risk with the product’s implementation such as change management, behavior management, cultural notions, data obtainment, data timeliness, etc. (specifically to speak to your identified clinical or project champion).
Evaluate existing policies/processes which need to change in order to accommodate the implementation of the CDSS.
Implementation Goals & Evaluation (20 points):
Compose the goals/outcomes which prove the success (or lack thereof) of the solution’s implementation.
Describe the framework or theory to be utilized as the conceptual underpinning of the project and to assist in the evaluation of the project.
Design the methodology of obtaining feedback in order to measure the success of the solution’s implementation.
Discuss the milestones that must be achieved before further-roll out of the CDSS occurs across the organization.
Organization, Writing Style, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Formatting (20 points):
Presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (7th ed.).
Be sure to include the requirements outlined in the scoring rubric.
The paper is limited to 10 – 12 pages (excluding the title page and references; abstract not required) and must reflect APA 6th edition standards for formatting (e.g., title page, 2-level headings, references, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, usage) and writing consistent with Standard American English.