Find a research article about TEACHING LANGUAGE ARTS TO L. D. STUDENTS, but do not use Education Digest, ERIC Digest, Teaching K-8, or Instructor. Articles must be at least seven pages of text.

Upload a PDF of the article with your assignment.

Provide the APA citation for the article.

Use the following three headings in your assignment:
1. SUMMARY – at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
State the main points.
Discuss the method of the study, and describe the participants.
2. CRITIQUE- at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
Critique and analyze the method of study and design of the research.
3. CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS- at least one half page 0 2 4 6 8 10
How can you apply this information to your future as a language arts teacher?
Be specific about details/strategies from the study to implement in your future classroom.

Find a research article about TEACHING LANGUAGE ARTS TO L. D. STUDENTS, but do not use Education Digest, ERIC Digest, Teaching K-8, or Instructor. Articles must be at least seven pages of text.

Upload a PDF of the article with your assignment.

Provide the APA citation for the article.

Use the following three headings in your assignment:
1. SUMMARY – at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
State the main points.
Discuss the method of the study, and describe the participants.
2. CRITIQUE- at least one page 0 2 4 6 8 10
Critique and analyze the method of study and design of the research.
3. CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS- at least one half page 0 2 4 6 8 10
How can you apply this information to your future as a language arts teacher?
Be specific about details/strategies from the study to implement in your future classroom.